Friday, February 22, 2008

Blogging: Opening Brand New vistas in Communication

Blogging is the latest buzzword in the Internet. Blogging descends from the word web log. Blog is actually a message board, wherein you can post thoughts and opinions to be read by others. A large number of audiences view a blog. You need to register to a blog through your user id and password. In some cases, you even do not need a password to read a blog. However, you definitely need to register to post messages on a blog.

Blog works two-ways. It either offers comprehensive and consummate information about specific topics or offers a potent place for writers to express their feelings and desires. Speaking broadly, a blog may encompass day-to-day comments of authors, movie stars, characters on soap operas hard-hitting news articles columns, and everything under the sun. However, the sole purpose of writing a blog is to bring readers on a common platform, hence encouraging an enhanced level of communication among them. Blogging is fast picking up as a utilitarian term in the world of Internet.

Blogging: A Friendly Interface for Your AUP
Blogging provides a kicky environment to an organizational hierarchy. Blogging in the organization's AUP (Acceptable Usage Policy) deals in Instant Messaging, Peer-to-Peer, email, besides other Web-based communications. The AUP also entail the users to read the blogs, post articles and/or retrieve necessary information from them. One of the most imminent possibilities that lie before many organizations is that of utilized personal data for wrong purposes.

Blogging: Implications and Managing Your AUP
An unmanaged blog might turn hostile and influence many sensitive positions. AUP of many corporations require employees to sign non-disclosure agreements, which if not done will leave open company’s confidential information to whole lot of global audience. This in turn will leave the organization in a financial quagmire. Take for example, if an employee of some computer organization responds to a technical blog with an advice stating that buying a particular product line might hamper the efficiency of your system, there is an increased possibility that the consumers slow down on hiring the services of that product line. Henceforth the company runs the risk of running into huge financial loss.

To fight with this aspect of blogs, many organizations list in their AUP, software screens where and how an employee can search the web. The brighter side of blogging is that it serves as an excellent marketing tool to direct potential audience to the site by providing them with financial advice or credit building tips. A secure blog can also enhance customer relations, invite consumer contact and increase company’s visibility at a global panorama.

The organization’s AUP lists “DO’s and DONT’s” that serve as an ideal means to put a check on the confidential information and prevent it from slipping in wrong hands.